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Traditional and refined pieces, the candelabra have been present in the decoration since there was a need to bring light to the environments. They hold more than one candle, thus providing the necessary light for comfortable reading. Nowadays, chandeliers offer a sophisticated touch to lighting, creating romantic and elegant ambiences.
Here at Maria Pia Casa we have several models of chandeliers. Choose the one that fits your project and enjoy.
Price $43.62
Special Price $21.81
Price $6.99
Special Price $4.90
Price $10.82
Special Price $7.58
Price $10.82
Special Price $7.58
Price $10.82
Special Price $7.58
Price $10.82
Special Price $7.58
Price $10.82
Special Price $7.58
Price $6.49
Special Price $4.55
Price $5.66
Special Price $3.96
Price $14.32
Special Price $10.02
Price $6.99
Special Price $4.90
Price $6.99
Special Price $4.90
Price $6.99
Special Price $4.90
Price $405.59
Special Price $377.20