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The decorative plates is a strategic resource to enhance a certain corner of the room, so it can be placed on top of furniture such as the sideboard and even on the dining table. This look makes reference to a retro style with that charm of grandma's house decor, but it can also take on an option of decoration for modern environments, just choose the type of finish on the decorative plate.
The charm of the china on the wall is an alternative to give more sophistication and originality to spaces and, if you also appreciate these true works of art, be sure to check out the decorative dishes available here, at Maria Pia Casa.
Price $86.75
Special Price $60.72
Price $95.40
Special Price $66.78
Price $44.46
Special Price $31.12
Price $44.46
Special Price $31.12
Price $138.20
Special Price $96.74
Price $61.77
Special Price $43.24
Price $61.77
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Price $61.77
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Price $61.77
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Price $61.77
Special Price $43.24
Price $61.77
Special Price $43.24
Price $190.48
Special Price $133.33
Price $81.09
Special Price $56.76
Price $81.09
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Price $81.09
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Price $81.09
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Price $81.09
Special Price $56.76
Price $16.15
Special Price $11.31
Price $24.14
Special Price $16.90
Price $11.66
Special Price $8.16
Plates can leave the dining table to gain a decorative and charming look. This is exactly what happens when these objects are hung on walls, leaving a little of their original function to assume an exclusively adornment character. In fact, this is a practice increasingly adhered to in the décor.