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The liquor decanters are very beautiful pieces, and sometimes used to decorate the environment in addition to keeping the liquor preserved. These items are specially made with lids in order to protect the liquid from evaporation.
Price $180.13
Special Price $126.09
Price $188.29
Special Price $131.80
Price $188.29
Special Price $131.80
Price $188.29
Special Price $131.80
Price $548.89
Special Price $384.22
Price $515.89
Special Price $361.12
Price $517.63
Special Price $362.34
Price $548.89
Special Price $384.22
Price $515.89
Special Price $361.12
The Liquor Decanter are pieces that can not miss the decoration of the bar space, as they can convey a whole concept of tradition and refinement. This is an item that never goes out of style when it comes to taste when it comes to serving drinks, as it is a glass container made to stand out naturally in any composition.