You have no items in your shopping cart.
Use one of the options to verify your identity
Você já possui conta! Enviamos um email para que possa realizar sua compra sem senha.
Já existe uma conta registrada com esse CPF/CNPJ.
We at Maria Pia Casa want to build a sincere and transparent relationship with you. For this, we provide this service channel to clarify doubts regarding the purchases made here and to give voice to your compliments, suggestions and criticisms.
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Search for the category or product you want
Click on the chosen product, then the product details screen (image above) will appear;
On this screen you will find all the characteristics of the product: Color, size, value, payment methods and general details.
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Here you will find the order summary. You will be able to change the quantity, exclude product, know the shipping cost and delivery time of your purchase.
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If you have clicked on " Checkout ", the screen below will appear, in it, you can choose between making your registration by clicking on " CREATE ACCOUNT " or if you are already registered, you can log in, inserting your data in the respective fields.
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Inside the registration screen, enter your personal data and click on " SEND ", so you are ready to finish your purchase.
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Finalize your purchase!
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1º Sign up:
Finish filling in the fields requested for registration.
2nd Delivery:
In this field you can check the freight.
3rd Payment:
Choose the payment method, either by credit card, online debit or bank slip.
4rd Last Step:
Check the data, quantity and total value of your product and click:
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You can trust!
Maria Pia Casa invests in advanced data protection technologies to offer more security to its customers. You can be sure that you are navigating in a structure designed to ensure total security and privacy with each purchase. All information is encrypted by the SSL software and filed in its own internal environment.
Look for the padlock:
You can also identify the security of the website by designing a closed padlock. It indicates that you are browsing a completely secure page. Exclusive emails.
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+55 11 3414-1013
Monday to Friday from 09h to 17h30. Saturdays from 9am to 4pm. Except holidays.