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Letter openers can take on a vintage style when composing your home office decor, helping you to bring a touch of originality and good taste to your work desk. These objects, full of elegance and magnificence, also manage to bring a classic charm to the composition. They are cut with beautiful details in the manufacture of the handle, part is always made with noble materials, and, in addition, they have sharp blades to ensure perfection when opening the envelopes. This is a real decorating tip for the office, putting a letter opener as a table decoration, this will ensure more refinement and beauty, as well as a touch of sobriety for these spaces.
Price $29.33
Special Price $20.53
Letter openers can take on a vintage style when composing home office decor , helping you bring a touch of originality and taste to adorn your work desk. These objects, full of elegance and grandeur, can also bring a classic charm to the composition. They are carved with beautiful details in the manufacture of the handle, part always made with noble materials, and also have sharp blades to ensure perfection when opening the envelopes.