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Stainless steel straws are practical, easy to carry and sustainable. Its use is much healthier and much more beneficial to the environment as its durability is much longer than disposable plastic straws.
Price $2.65
Special Price $2.47
Price $13.42
Special Price $12.48
Price $5.97
Special Price $5.55
Ideal for preserving the environment, stainless steel straws provide the same functionality as traditional models with the benefit of not promoting the disposal of plastic products, which takes many years to decompose in nature.
The stainless steel straws are stainless, non-toxic and can be reused, just clean them with a specific brush that fits perfectly into the entire length of the items.
Owner of a modern and practical design, the stainless steel straw fits perfectly in all styles and shapes of glasses, cocktails and drinks in general. Therefore, you can serve a tasty, beautiful drink with a special touch of sustainability to your guests.