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A good architectural project has lighting as a great partner, after all, well-lit environments convey a greater sense of comfort and warmth. A well-lit space is capable of welcoming and making the person stay longer in the place; on the contrary, a place with poor lighting makes people withdraw and do not want to remain in the environment.
the Lighting is a true ally when decorating, as it has the power to highlight those. Decorative objects that you want to give a special appreciation and can help to harmonize colors, tones and volumes. The good architectural project has lighting as a great partner, after all, well-lit environments convey a greater sense of comfort and warmth. A well-lit space is able to welcome and make the person stay longer in the place; On the contrary, a place with poor lighting makes people leave and do not want to stay in the environment.
The lighting design is suitable for both indoor and outdoor areas, regardless of whether the space is residential or commercial. Some lighting products do not only perform their function of highlighting a particular space but also contribute to the decoration of the environment. Here at Maria Pia Casa, for example, you will find a multitude of decorative products to make your home more beautiful and bright, such as: porcelain lamps, floor lamps, chandeliers, pendants, candlesticks and much more.