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Ideal to accommodate condiments and seasonings, the cruet is a houseware piece that helps to conserve your ingredients by offering special storage in a true set of containers. Enjoy the most classic models for formal occasions, but be sure to also check out more relaxed cruet cases, which can be used for snacks and appetizers in the gourmet space. Come and get to know our cruet models up close to bring more style and personality at different times!
Price $451.05
Special Price $419.48
Price $9.32
Special Price $6.53
Price $9.32
Special Price $6.53
Price $9.32
Special Price $6.53
Price $56.44
Special Price $39.51
Price $188.81
Special Price $169.93
Price $197.97
Special Price $178.17
Price $228.60
Special Price $205.74
Price $305.19
Special Price $274.68
Price $197.97
Special Price $178.17
Spices are essential in the preparation of meals, you can choose from salt, pepper, oregano, olive oil, vinegar, among other ingredients to increase the flavor of food. When cooking and serving meals, the ideal thing is that they are organized in a practical and safe way.