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The jewelry box was created to give more practicality during the daily lives of women, accommodating their relics in a very interesting way. In addition to helping to keep everything in order, these decorative pieces can also be used as an embellishment option when complementing the composition.
The delicate jewelry boxes can come in different shapes, materials of manufacture and styles, from the classic crystal jewelry box to heart-shaped pieces. Everything to ensure a differentiated style and lots of originality when decorating bedroom furniture, such as the dresser, dresser and nightstand.
Price $22.37
Special Price $15.66
Price $21.21
Special Price $14.85
Price $90.47
Special Price $63.33
Price $171.50
Special Price $120.05
Price $98.59
Special Price $69.01
Price $75.23
Special Price $52.66
Price $86.16
Special Price $60.31
Price $48.88
Special Price $34.22
Price $78.04
Special Price $54.63
Price $89.31
Special Price $62.52
Price $65.78
Special Price $46.05
Price $66.78
Special Price $46.74
Price $95.44
Special Price $66.81
The Jewels are companions of women, helping to make the look more sophisticated and full of charm. Usually chosen as a gift option, they appeal to different personalities and styles and are very successful. But to keep and keep jewelry always organized and protected, as they are small and can easily be lost, the ideal is to choose an elegant jewelry box that helps in decorating the environment.
The Jewelry Box was created to give more practicality during women's daily life, accommodating their relics in a very interesting way. In addition to helping to keep everything in order, these decorative pieces can also be used as a decoration option when complementing the composition.