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Decorative Bottles serve to make any liquid even more special, and can be used in the gourmet space to serve guests at the bar or in the kitchen decor in general.
Thinking of pleasing lovers of design and good taste, Maria Pia Casa has selected some beautiful models of Decorative Bottles to decorate your home in a charming way. They are pieces of different shapes and styles, colored and transparent glass bottles. All for you to choose what works best with your composition.
Price $30.35
Special Price $21.24
Price $28.44
Special Price $19.91
Price $35.03
Special Price $24.52
Price $24.62
Special Price $17.24
Price $24.62
Special Price $17.24
Price $24.62
Special Price $17.24
The decorative bottles serve to make any liquid even more special, and can be used in the gourmet space to serve guests at the bar or in the kitchen decor in general. Glass bottles have gained a lot of prominence in the decoration of weddings and parties, but they also appear with charm and style in the decoration of residential environments. When it comes to decoration, glass bottles can also become objects such as flower pots and lamps, these pieces can no doubt gain much prominence in the composition of environments. Maria Pia Casa has separated some beautiful models of decorative bottles to adorn your home in a charming way. They are pieces of different shapes and styles, colored and transparent glass bottles. Everything so you can choose what is best with your composition.