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Ecobags have emerged as sustainable alternatives to replace plastic bags, which require a period of decomposition between 100 and 500 years. These models of ecobags can also be known as ecological bags and can be used to beautify strategic spaces, decorate on the coat rack, store magazines and books, or even set up a vertical garden with flowers inside.
Price $18.14
Special Price $12.70
Price $18.14
Special Price $12.70
Price $12.94
Special Price $9.06
Eco-bags have emerged as sustainable alternatives to replace plastic bags, which require a decomposition period of between 100 and 500 years. These models of ecobags can also be known as ecological bags and are ideal for contributing to the green economy, as a sustainable and very interesting solution.
Custom ecobags are a real charm and can be used to beautify strategic spaces. Either to serve an ornament on the rack, to keep magazines and books, or even to set up a vertical garden with flowers inside, the ecobag is used as a decoration idea.