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The bottle holders have a similar function as a cup holder, they help protect the surface from stains and even decorate the table when serving.
Price $104.06
Special Price $72.84
Price $126.26
Special Price $88.38
Price $340.35
Special Price $306.31
Price $271.42
Special Price $244.27
Price $285.00
Special Price $256.50
Price $64.46
Special Price $58.01
Price $443.58
Special Price $310.51
Price $209.61
Special Price $146.73
Price $361.06
Special Price $252.74
Price $49.21
Special Price $34.45
Price $202.82
Special Price $141.97
Price $174.81
Special Price $122.37
Price $70.26
Special Price $49.18
Price $72.58
Special Price $50.80
Price $195.03
Special Price $136.52
Price $53.36
Special Price $37.35
Price $270.26
Special Price $189.18
Those who like to enjoy a good wine, or any other drink, in the comfort of their home, are well aware of the importance of always having the best bar accessories. These pleasant private moments or in the company of family and friends are perfect opportunities for you to use all your good taste in choosing the pieces that will serve to provide the best gourmet experience.