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When the goal is to serve drinks during dinners or parties at home, the tea cart can be a functional and perfect alternative to occupy little space. This famous bar furniture is a true reinterpretation of the old carts that were used as support to serve varied meals.
The tea carts are very charming and useful during times of serving friends and family with drinks, so it's worth composing this piece of furniture with decorative bottles, as well as glasses and glasses specially selected to make a difference on the occasion.
Price $3,767.90
Special Price $3,504.15
Price $1,178.38
Special Price $824.87
Price $1,227.36
Special Price $859.15
Price $1,073.12
Special Price $751.18
Price $3,865.69
Special Price $3,595.09
Price $2,084.40
Special Price $1,459.08
When it comes to serving drinks during dinner parties or home parties, the tea cart can be a functional and perfect alternative to take up little space. This famous bar furniture is a true retelling of the old trolleys that have been used as a support for serving varied meals.