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Soap Dispensers are a household utility item that has become indispensable in bathrooms and washrooms. They can be made of different materials, such as stainless steel, glass, porcelain, among others. In addition, these decorative pieces also stand out for the possibility of presenting a variety of formats, styles and prints in their finishes.
To combine functionality and beauty, there is nothing better than taking advantage of the differentiated pieces that Maria Pia Casa puts at your disposal.
Price $133.53
Special Price $93.47
The power of the home decoration is in the small details and this concept can be used to compose the most diverse environments, always having some objects that are able to transform spaces in a simple and charming way. This is the case of the soap dish, a household item that has become indispensable in bathrooms and toilets. To combine functionality and beauty, nothing better than taking advantage of the unique pieces that Maria Pia Casa puts at your disposal.