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Born in São José do Rio Preto, in the interior of São Paulo, Pedro Mendes lived very close to the furniture hub of Mirassol, the city next to his, where from an early age he had the privilege of getting to know the production and execution processes of the furniture industry up close. Later, he moved to São Paulo, where he studied design and business administration, these two specificities help him work both sides of the professional, the creative and the entrepreneur. He has been designing furniture since the beginning of his career, his pieces are sophisticated, with clean shapes, working with steel, acrylic, glass, aluminum and especially wood, a raw material that stands out in the collection of his entire production. Attentive to detail, he works all the stages of his product development, he models them himself and renders them in 3D. In 2001, Pedro Mendes started a partnership with the piano manufacturer Pianofatura. His pieces have already been exported to the United States, Canada, South Africa, Mozambique, Panama and Portugal, and today, acting as a furniture designer, aroused an interest in the area of lighting, starting to design fixtures. Pedro is better known in the furniture industry for interior designers and shopkeepers in the market than for the media that promotes them, and does not usually enter awards and design contests. Recently he was selected to participate in the 3rd Brazilian Design Biennial, with the theme Design, Innovation and Sustainability, he was able to show his work, the Armchair Emiliana, as foam produced from soy, upholstered in 100% cotton and reforestation wood.