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Extinguishing candles without having to touch them with your hands was a necessity that arose in ancient times, when electricity as a source of lighting did not yet exist.
This demand to build articles that could put out fire in a more practical way was created as it was considered impolite for women to put out candles with their fingertips, especially during the Victorian era of the 19th century. And if it was blown out, it would spread that horrible smoke of melted paraffin.
The Sparkler Dampers is, therefore, an indispensable accessory to guarantee a perfect experience when using items such as candelabras, lanterns and candlesticks, for example. This decorative lighting may be the missing touch to bring more sophistication and refinement to special occasions such as dinners and celebrations.
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Blowing out the candles without having to touch them by hand was a necessity that arose in ancient times, when electric power did not yet exist as a source of light. This demand to construct articles that could extinguish the fire in a more practical way was created since it was considered unkind for women to put out candles with their fingertips, especially during the 19th century Victorian era. And if it blew out, it would spread that horrible smoke of melted paraffin.
The Sparkler Dampers is therefore an indispensable accessory to ensure a perfect experience when using items such as handles, lanterns and candlesticks, for example. This decorative lighting may be the missing touch to bring more sophistication and refinement to special occasions such as dinner parties and celebrations.
Decorative and functional, the Sparkler Dampers is a high quality and refined article that can not be missed in the home of those who appreciate this type of lighting. Enjoy checking out these pieces selected by Maria Pia Casa, with guarantee of durability and efficiency. Don't miss this chance to combine convenience and safety in a much more charming and effective way!