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In the past, Canes, together with hats, were part of high society men's clothing. We can easily recall, for example, some characters from cinema and world politics who constantly used canes such as Charles Chaplin and Winston Churchill, respectively.
Decorative Walking Canes can play an important role in decorating different environments. In fact, they are extremely functional when the concept is to convey an original and retro style.
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In the past, canes, together with hats, were part of the clothing of men in high society. We can easily recall, for example, some characters from film and world politics who constantly used songs such as Charles Chaplin and Winston Churchill, respectively.
Decorative canes can play an important role in the decoration of various environments. In fact, they are extremely functional when the concept is to convey an original and retro style.
Here at Maria Pia Home you will find beautiful models of canes, produced in different types of materials and with rich finishing details, with classic and tasteful handles. Enjoy to purchase a product that is guaranteed of high quality and charm in its manufacture and that will add more charm to your décor.