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Price $27.13
Special Price $8.14
Price $27.13
Special Price $8.14
Price $27.13
Special Price $8.14
Price $27.13
Special Price $8.14
Price $27.13
Special Price $8.14
The cushions are items that give the finishing touch to any type of decoration , as they are usually one of the last elements to be chosen in the composition of any environment, such as the bedroom , home theater or living room. So it is a good idea to take advantage of colored cushions to bring more style to your surroundings and to test the colors you are looking to use.
A decoration tip is to enjoy several neutral cushions, the same color as the upholstery, and only one or two colored pieces. The result is enchanting as it breaks the monotony of the composition and adds a touch of joy and a lot of style.
Here, at Maria Pia Casa , you will find different models of colored cushions , in different shades to exactly match your type of project. It is worth checking and enjoy all this charm and good taste!