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The Borgo Bar Collection is the crown jewel for any beverage enthusiast who values luxury and quality. Each piece, meticulously designed, combines the warmth of natural fiber with the robustness of metal, creating a harmonious set that promises to elevate the serving experience. The Ice Buckets keep your drinks at the ideal temperature, while the Bar Sets provide all the necessary tools for professional-level mixology. And the Bar Carts, in addition to being practical, are true mobile works of art.
Price $98.31
Special Price $68.82
Price $266.46
Special Price $186.52
Price $1,178.38
Special Price $824.87
Price $1,227.36
Special Price $859.15
Price $1,073.12
Special Price $751.18
Uncover the essence of sophisticated entertainment with the Borgo Bar Collection — a symphony of functionality and style that will transform your leisure moments into celebrations of timeless elegance.