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Known throughout the world, the Murano is a real success in decoration, capable of transforming a simple space into a true place of sophistication and pure refinement. This noble material is pleasing to the eye and therefore offers a natural charm to transform decorative objects into true works of art.
Take the opportunity to check out the pieces we have selected to make available to the most passionate about design and style. Don't miss it!
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Known worldwide, the murano is a true success in decoration , capable of transforming a simple space into a true place of sophistication and pure refinement. This noble material is pleasing to the eye and therefore offers a natural charm to transform decorative objects into true works of art.
Muranos are also used as lamps, ashtrays, bowls or even as a paperweight. Whether its brightness, tradition or color, the murano is considered one of the most sophisticated objects in residential decoration.
You do not need to go to Venice to be enchanted by the famous Vetro di Murano, take the opportunity to check the pieces we have selected to make available to the most passionate about design and style. Do not miss it!